Lone Flyer

Another shot from the sunrise two days ago.

IMGP3172 a

A lone raven on it’s daily commute, with Flat Top Mountain in the background. Ravens are a large member of the crow family and I have to watch closely sometimes to be able to tell them from an eagle.

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17 Responses to Lone Flyer

  1. Nae says:

    Yesterday I had the pleasure of watching three ravens (literally) sing and dance on the beach for a man who was taking pictures of them. I, too, wanted to get close and take pictures … but it was his party and I didn\’t want to scare the ravens away (I am, afterall, an eagle).I can\’t say that I want a man in my life as a fixture in my house right now — \’cause that would be hard on my children — but I would like a guy friend who I could do things for too (patch clothes, hem pants, fix a good meal now and then) — who could help me out with my mechanical problems.Oh well — today I take on that challenge — so please say a prayer that I succeed!BTW — I completely understand that some people have triggers and that my sharing sometimes is too much. I\’m sorry for the loss of your pets; they must have been wonderful companions and friends.I hope that you have a FABULOUS day. Thank you for sharing this photo — it is beautiful!God bless you and keep you,Nae :o)God bless you and keep you,Nae

  2. I says:

      Cool. That is one big bird!

  3. Nozee says:

    This can not be reality you surely did a photoshop. ;-)Thanks for sharing.- Snoop

  4. Nessa says:

    A really lovely photo with the lone bird heading towards the mountain.  We have ravens here in the UK and they are quite large but don\’t think they could be mistaken for an eagle  so i am guessing your ravens are different as they must be a lot bigger – I will have to look em up on the net 🙂

  5. Ann says:

    Speaks of freedom, and loneliness.

  6. Cindy says:

    Noisy birds those ravens…Jim does a pathetic immitation of them.

  7. Jim says:

    Yet another great shot.  Makes me want to come up to Alaska even more.  One day I\’ll make it up there.  Thanks for sharing this shot. Very inspiring. 

  8. account deleted says:

    LOL @ Lizzy\’s Life Forum!
    That reminds me of the quote on another friend\’s space — If you can\’t be a good example, you\’ll have to serve as a horrible warning!
    As for friends on here, I have been keeping my friends list pared down, way down from where it used to be, and need to pare it down again here a bit. Accquaintences come and go and that is to be expected, really what I was talking about is those who have become more important than just blog readers, ya know. The people who really seem to care, and share.
    I\’d really like to find some of the ones I have lost due to my own mistakes.
    Another great shot by the way. I am a huge wildlife/nature buff, and I truly appreciate all that you share.  Liz

  9. David says:

    Wow! Neato!  Great Shot Steve!

  10. Cindy says:

    *cough* I knew it was a raven the whole time … I just wanted to know if YOU knew.  *cough*

  11. Leo says:

    The pleasures of checking out blogs and finding  beautiful pictures like this one makes it worth while.

  12. Cindy says:

    Thanks for all your sympathy!  NOT!
    It\’s just one of those days…

  13. Red says:

    The photography is breath-taking. Thank you for sharing it. The thing that stood out most in my mind about Alaska was how majestic it really is.  It also struck me as being very clean.  There aren\’t many places you can visit anymore that can make those claims.

  14. peggy says:

    I always love the colors in your picture.  Can I make you laugh… my daughter\’s name is Ravyn.  Now when you look up and see one you can think of my little dimpled sunshine.

  15. - says:

    Breathtaking…as usual.  I check in here every time my \’space home\’ tells me you\’ve put up something new, knowing full well I\’ll be touched in some special way. Either the photos or your insightful writing.  Leaving a comment every time seems a touch redundant when the first thing that comes to mind is usually….WOW!  But here I am again, and….WOW!  You really do get some amazing photos my friend.  Thanks for taking the time to share them.Hugs,e

  16. Charles says:

    Its nice to see that the sunrise  is slowly becoming at a later time  he he its a cool one this morning here, hope your keeping warm

  17. Lori says:

    I think those pictures are quite beautiful!

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