Another Eagle

One more eagle from the other day.
I discovered a command in Print Shop Pro (It’s also in Photoshop) called Unsharp Mask.
This really helps the clarity, I will be learning more about this and add this to my bag of tricks!

IMGP5409 aa

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21 Responses to Another Eagle

  1. Chez says:

    I believe I can fly…. I believe I can touch the sky…..Thank you for this marvellous feeling.ByeIka

  2. Cindy says:

    WOW!  That is a great picture.  So cool how you can see the dirty tips of it\’s tail feather and the little nicks in it\’s wings.  That\’s a whole lot of detail.

  3. Dallas says:

    Wonderful photo!! Hope you had a great weekend!!

  4. Sarah says:

    This one reminds me of the eagle who showed up on a trip north one day, when I was questioning my goals and asking for a sign……flew right in front of the car, this close–I could see the scales on his legs!  This is a very good job, Steve, as always.  Thank you so much for your ability to uplift and encourage……

  5. Sherry says:

    You never cease to amaze me Steve.

  6. Vieille Ourse says:

    Real beauty !
    In Photoshop you could also try Image, Adjustment, Shadow/highlights (nearly at the bottom of the list).
    And then play a little with contrast  (that\’s how I get some texture in Julie\’s black fur).
    Good luck and till next time …
    Hugs from Belgium.

  7. REDEEMER WORD says:

    The eagle spreads her wings and bares her young on them in teaching them to fly//Deuteronomy 32:11 "As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings."  She is a good mother, a
    good teacher…IN HIM…Elza

  8. Isabelle says:

    Bags of tricks? I if you really need one more to impress us!
    Take care,

  9. Isabelle says:

    One more thing! Do they sell the same wing Size 38? I WANT TO FLY TO….LIKE A MAGESTIC EAGLE!
    Georgeous picture!
    Take care!

  10. Gina says:

    sweeeet shot!

  11. Barb says:

    Gotta love that unsharp mask tool!  Saved many an image for me.
    Have a great Monday Steve!
    Hugs from a sunny but windy (brrrrr) city to your south.

  12. Flo says:

    Wow. That\’s a jaw-dropping great shot.

  13. Sheila says:

    I know the feeling you so acurately captured here, the last 300 yards, when you can see the finish! It is known as soaring (smile). Thank you Steve for sharing this, and everything else you share too.
    hugs and sky high air kisses!

  14. steve says:

    Wow… that is one awesome picture!!

  15. Nae says:

    Very beautiful!  Well done!
    God bless you and keep you,
    Nae  :o)

  16. Lyn says:

    Wow!!! Wish I had a little of your knowlege in that bag of tricks you have. Keep it going. Lyn

  17. JaeElle says:

    Thanks for sharing some of your little bag of tricks.  Awesome picture!   I enjoy the pics of the eagles. 

  18. Nessa says:

    Stunning! – What more can one say! xx

  19. PEP says:

    Hi Steve,
    I think I\’ve finally caught up on the all the entires I missed. Thanks for stopping by and leaving this fellow at my space.  

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